Whether it be a home office or a large building with open floor plans, the aura and vibe of an office space can influence what happens in that environment. Decor can be used to motivate, influence mood, and increase concentration, among many other things that cultivate a more productive workforce.
On the flip side, a dull and boring workspace can often demotivate and create a sense of monotony in an office setting. Office wall decals are a quick way to add some pizzazz to any workplace. From custom photos to motivational quotes, here are some of our open concepts to spark your next office wall decal decision!
Team Accomplishment Photos
“Hey everybody! Come see how good we look!”
Perhaps it doesn’t have to be quite that blunt, but turning photos into custom wall decals is a cinch with Fathead, and can act as encouraging milestones and motivational memories. Highlighting employees' prior successes can help reinvigorate a team for future wins, and an office wall decal can serve as a constant visual reinforcement that only needs to be set up once!
Message Boards
Message boards come in all shapes and sizes, which includes the form of a wall decal you can use in your office. Depending on your workplace’s overall culture, these may be used as motivators or strict hubs for information, but if you like having fun at the office (we certainly encourage it), message boards are also great places for a nice, office-appropriate one-liner.
Motivational Quote Decals
As mentioned before, office wall decor should be a source of motivation. If you want to get really direct with that aspect of messaging, motivational quote decals are a great choice!
Some good vinyl wall quotes for the office
- Just one small, positive thought in the morning can change your whole day - Dalai Lama
- Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. - Henry Ford
- The future depends on what you do today. - Gandhi
- People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. - Dale Carnegie
- Be passionate and move forward with gusto every single hour of every single day until you reach your goal. - Ava Devernay
- Everybody’s working for the weekend. - Singer of Canadian Rock Band ‘Loverboy’
We’ve all seen the classic one-word motivational wall posters in our childhood classrooms. Awe-inspiring landscape banners, typically ascribed with a single centered word of encouragement. A single word can be pretty open to interpretation, but a beautiful ocean or mountain can help reset the mind and increase productivity in the workplace.
Business Maps and Graphs
Maps can add a nice allusion to scale for any clients who may be visiting your office, but they can also be functional pieces of office wall decor. Setting up a vinyl decal map in your office allows you to put markers where you do business, or where you may have remote team members working. Maps can also be a friendly and frequent reminder of the worldwide impact everyone’s work has, making it a team-building motivator for most!
Like team accomplishment photos, graphs can serve a similar, yet more exact function for goal setting and reaching milestones. If revenue increases year after year, printing a custom vinyl office decal that displays growth becomes a motivator for team members and a confidence booster for potential and current clients.
Common Interests of Team
Team interests as office wall decor can be a great team-building tool, but there is more of a line to toe, as inclusiveness can breed unity it can also become divisive. If your team is small and all loves (or at least tolerates) pop culture or movie talk around the water cooler, perhaps some vinyl wall decals of superheroes or favorite characters could add some collective flair to the office.
Regardless if you’re an office of movie buffs, book worms, or art aficionados, the possibilities are pretty much endless when it comes to common interests, and with Fathead’s custom decal generator you can print anything.
Speaking of art aficionados, a common form of office wall decor can also come in the form of artwork. Art adds a positive vibe to any space, but can also say who you are as a company, and could even display some of your team’s creations!
What Is a Vinyl Wall Decal?
Vinyl wall decals are decorations for your home or office that don’t require any sort of construction, damage, or alteration to your walls. This generally makes them great for offices and any other spaces that are rented long-term.
Can I Get a Custom Vinyl Decal for my Office?
Made to order, Fathead’s vinyl office wall decals come in all different shapes and sizes, which also means custom. Depending on the quality of your own photo or design, the possibilities are pretty much endless with what you can hang up at your office without damaging the walls.
What to Consider With Office Wall Decals
Here are a few things to think about before choosing a vinyl decal in your office.
Office decorations should aim to motivate, but at the very least, they shouldn’t have the opposite effect on any of your team members. Be sure the decorations are in good taste and have the potential to make everyone’s day a little better.
Client and Customer Visibility
Will your wall decals ever be visible to potential clients or customers? If the more team-centric internal ideas are a bit too outside of the box, but you still want to preserve your company culture, just present a slightly more ironed-out image of your team to potential clients and customers.
Size of Space
Size is also important. Fatheads come in all shapes and sizes, and some wall mural ideas can fill up a lot of space very quickly, but there’s a line between clutter and empty that should be discussed with your team.
Nothing Like Some Office Hangs
Now you’re armed with all of the selling points needed to convince your boss, or yourself, to hang up some new office wall decor! fatheadmall.com is certainly a great place to start your search, and don’t forget about all the custom options!
What should I use for office wall decor?
There are plenty of options, but most should be non-invasive, meaning the decorations won’t leave a trace when removed. Vinyl wall decals are great choices!
What art should I put in my office?
Landscapes and animals often make great art, as they are neutral but often motivating and aesthetically pleasing.
Can you hang pictures in an office?
In most office settings, nailing things to a wall is frowned upon. Luckily, vinyl wall decals stick to most surfaces and are easy to remove without a trace when it’s time to move out or upgrade your office wall stickers!